How "Not to wait for" BBM Android

Recently we got an update. It was about BBM. Everyone knows about it so I'd rather not elaborate on it.

The installation part:

The Welcome Screen welcomed us with an option(not optional) to enter out email id. The point here is that ASA we entered our email address, BB said "There is a line up, traffic bla bla..".

So what do we do.

Go back to this page and then type in your friends email id. Trust me, u can do that and it won't be used by this app anywhere. Its just a wrapper.(But make sure that ur friend was not on waiting list and was pre registered).

That's it. Now while filling the form, make sure you type your own email id.

Enjoy BBMx !!

Big Bad Automation

I read it once that the term Automation came from a Greek term "Automatos" which means "Self-Acting". The Self-Acting part, is what fascinated me the most. I started to think of ROBOT with brains(no processor). I imagined machines which could do anything done by a human manually.

My thought process didn't end there. First i started thinking of devices/machines which could do basic stuf like sharpen a pencil. Then i thought, of a machine which could actually use that sharpening machine to sharpen the pencil. Then i thought of a machine which will produce pencils. And so on.

This eventually led me to a model where there is an Eco-system where there is input(minimal) and there is output. the rest of the equation should be a black box. This kind of sounded like factory automation.

As i observed the world around me, i realized that the word "Automatos" was no longer a word.
Its because of this word, that we are what we are today. We will fail if we don't have automation in out eco-space.

The reason is simple. Efficiency.
Or is it?

It is known and a well accepted fact that Human or animals for that matter, are the most efficient machines created by God. The only input is few ounces of calories and the output is unlimited supply of "I COULD NOT FIND A SUITABLE WORD"

Then why is man, trying to replace the most efficient machine on this planet.

This has many answers. Man cannot work like a car or a Television or an Air conditioner.
He cannot replace a website with his palm.
I am convinced that as part of evolution, Automation has been integrated and injected our worlds. As a mater of fact, Automation has its own evolution.

The word Automation has been highly under-rated (Due to IT syndrome, I guess)
Right from the first 2+2 calculator to huge Boeing work-shops, every thing is about Automation.


Next thing which will probably shoot in you mind, is,

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My First Troll Based Humor Post

How to make my first TROLL BASED HUMOR POST?

What is Troll face?

First its important to under stand what is TROLL
For that it would be convenient to check out this WIKI link
Of course there are articles on the web which explains "The-History-of-Trollface" but i don't think anyone want to go that deep.

Its certain that these faces are inspired from actual faces of some of the most expressive people on the planet.

For example


People want to express there thought and also effectively. Its always better to add some visuals to your texts.
And troll faces is one of the most effective add-on on the modern blog writing. It attract people's attention from miles.

'Texting' around the troll faces is as much important as the faces itself.
You don't want your readers to over burden with unnecessary text. THE TEXT HAVE TO BE PRECISE AND SHARP LIKE AN ARROW. LET YOUR TROLL FACES DO THE TALKING.

This is a simple one. You can visit this site.

The most popular one.

How does the end result look like?

Well if all goes well and you do a decent enough job in MS-Paint, then you are supposed to rock the work and get 100's of Likes and 100's of shares.
PS: Be patient.

कोई क्यूँ देखे 26 जनवरी की परेड ?

राजपथ से Live
 इस बार 26 जनवरी के दिन जल्दी नहीं उठा। मन नहीं किया। क्या करता, पिछले 20 साल से परेड में ख़ास कुछ नहीं बदला। कुछ rules बना लिए हैं हमने अपना गणतंत्र दिवस मानाने के। वही झांकियां, वही नृत्य, वही करतब, वही सजावट । किसी की इच्छा .. किसी की हिम्मत ही नहीं है की कुछ बदलने की सोच सके। कहीं किसी को बुरा न लग जाये। जैसा चलता है चलने दो। करोड़ों रूपए खर्च हो जाते हैं हर साल, पर कोई दिमाग खर्च नहीं करता।

वही परेड है। अगर दूरदर्शन वाले 1999 की रिकॉर्डिंग भी चला दें तो कोई फर्क नहीं होगा। यहाँ तक की कैमरा एंगल तक बदले नहीं गए। कमेंटरी में हर बार केवल साल और नेताओं के नाम बदल दिए जाते हैं। ये हमारे गणतंत्र का अपमान नहीं है की उसे मानाने के लिए हमने एक rulebook लिख दी है ? हर साल कठपुतली शो की तरह शुरू होता है और ख़त्म हो जाता है।

कोई क्यूँ देखे 26 जनवरी की परेड ?  नीचे comment ज़रूर करें।

क्या लगता है, कब की है ये परेड। अपलोड करने वाले ने undated लिखा है। शायद सही लिखा है।